Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Off schedule

Hey everybody!

So, I kinda got off track these last few days and am going to starting again tomorrow. This is soo hard! I am using the help of the HCG diet and a couple friends that have done it. For anybody that doesn't know what that is, you can check it out at You take these drops 3 times a day and follow a strict 500 calorie diet of meat, fruits and veggies. I have several friends that have done it and had major success so I am hoping it will help me with this no gluten, corn and dairy stuff. I made a promise to myself that if I can keep it up I will get my first tattoo done. AND I want to rock a bikini this summer in Missouri and Oklahoma. Going to get my pre baby body back and even better than before!! Let's see if we can change this from all talk to all action.

Here we go.....AGAIN.  :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Getting ready to start

Hey everybody!

So, I was asked the other day to try going gluten, dairy and corn free due to some heath problems to see if it would help. I have not been tested for any kind of intolerance but figured I would try it. I have battled chronic ear infections since I was a baby but nobody could ever tell me the cause. I would go to the chiropractor and get frequent adjustments and it would help. Past age 3 or 4 it got better and I started only having them once or twice per year. Last year I made a major move and since then my chronic ear infections have returned to the point of needing to see the chiropractor at least once a week, sometimes twice. The chiropractor things that there is a muscle in my jaw that (from orthodontic work as a child) got tweaked and is putting pressure on the tube in my ear, which causes a back up of fluid that will sit behind my ear drum until drained. Now, left un drained it causes a very serious and painful infection in my ear to the point where one night I was taken to the ER because I thought my ear drum had ruptured. So, when I went in last week after seeing him for several months, he started going over my past and present diet habits. He believes that a gluten intolerance might be assisting my ear problems. Also suggesting that I try a corn and dairy free diet for a few weeks, I will be starting tomorrow. Since I grew up where dairy and gluten products were staples to our diets this is especially hard. Having to retrain myself to look at what I am eating and having to take out main foods is going to be hard. Luckily, (or not) I have a sister that has had a gluten intolerance for years that I can go to for advice and help. Unfortunately, she lives a long ways away and we don't always keep in touch. So, I am creating this blog to help myself stay true and on track. Maybe nobody will read this or care but I hope that I can stick with this and feel better. I also have been struggling with weight loss for several years. I got pregnant at 14 and had my daughter when I was 15. I have gained 20 pounds since having my daughter and though I have stopped gaining, I am not able to lose. I am hoping that by eating lean meats, fruits and veggies it will help with that side as well. My daughter is now 3 almost 4 and I would like to be a better role model for her, in life and heath.

Well, everybody (or nobody), I will post again tomorrow.

